Understanding and reporting the impact of education and socio-economic status on scientific research in Africa.


AiS Badge

AiS Badge is a novel, distinctive, colourful and informative data metric that visualizes the link between scientific research output of a specific country in Africa and educational, human development and socioeconomic status (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30607.10405). The pattern of each coloured segment indicates how scientific research output of a country relates to an individual index, as a ratio to the African average in the same year. The ratio presented in each segment draws on a wide range of individual metrics obtained from public sources and scientific databases. AiS Badge was developed by AiS founder and chairman Aymen I. Idris, Ph.D. and a team of students at the department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield (England, UK) in 2020, and adopted by AiS.

AiS Badge InfoGraphic

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